SWOT & Recommendations

In the SWOT & Recommendation section of your Team Project Site, please perform a SWOT analysis of the company, and make a few recommendations for growing the business.

1. Based on what you have studied over the semester, provide a concise and insightful SWOT analysis of the company - Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat (20 points)

2. Use knowledge acquired during the course to suggest solutions that can help grow the company, or to stop the company from getting to an end. Recommendations should be applicable, realistic, well supported and explained in detail. (20 points)

You should incorporate ideas you have learned from the relevant guest lecture as much as possible. You can cite the guest speaker as a source.

You must cite credible sources in APA style. For help with APA style citation, please visit the library guide here, or a Chatham librarian in the library for assistance. The lack of proper citation may result in zero points for this portion of your team assignment grade, and serious cases will result in charges of academic integrity violation.

These sources must be listed on the References tab of your Team Project Site and meet the References requirements listed on that tab. (10 points)

This web page must include at least one relevant image (5 points) and one relevant URL link (5 points).

This page is worth 10% of your TA04 grade.

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